Unit 34


WomanExcuse me. Can you help me? How can I get to Dover?
Railway ClerkTake the 11:30 train to Ashford, and change at Tonbridge.
WomanThe 11:30 train to Ashford, and change at Tonbridge. Thank you.


WomanHow long will I have to wait?
OfficialNot very long. There are three trains an hour.
WomanI see. And do I have to change?
OfficialYes. Change at Crewe.
WomanAt Crewe. Right. Oh, and how much is it, please?
OfficialSecond class?
OfficialA second class return costs fourteen pounds.
WomanThank you.


WomanOh, excuse me. Is there a bus to the centre?
ClerkYes. There's a bus five past nine.
ClerkIt should be here about ten minutes. Bus station is across the road.
WomanThank you.


WomanExcuse me. How far is it to the town centre?
OfficialAre you walking?
WomanNo, I'll take a taxi.
OfficialIt's about three kilometres to the centre. It'll take about ten minutes to get there.
WomanThank you.


WomanI'm going to Canterbury. Is it a long journey by train?
ClerkYes. It takes two hours to get there.
WomanAnd do I have to change?
ClerkYes. You must change at Townbridge. But there're three trains an hour.